

  • Sabbath 4th October 2014 Announcements

    Announced by Biness Chansa on Oct 03 2014

    Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

    1. There will be CPC and District Council on Sunday 5/10/14 at Mtendere Main Church starting 08:00hrs and 13:00hrs respectively. All District Heads of departments to ensure all their reports are ready and please observe time.
    1. This is to further remind all churches to support the 4 crusades currently running in the District by inviting non Adventists and attending the meetings. Be further informed that we intend to carry out our first baptisms this coming Sabbath and all sites to ensure candidates are prepared.
    1. There will be Path Finder and Adventures progressive class exams at Mass Media Church on Sunday 5thOctober 2014 at 08hrs. The investure will be held at Hellen Kaunda Church on 8thOctober 2014.
    1. The Ambassador SOP campwhich was scheduled to take place at Kings Highway School from 12 – 14th September 2014 has been moved to 31st Oct - 1st November 2014. Participation fee still remains K80.00 per participant.
    1. This serves to inform you that there will be a Youth Conference Rally which will start on 23rd to 26th October 2014 in Siavonga. Registration fee per delegate is K300 and deadline for payment will be October 13, 2014.
    1. Lusaka Conference Stewardship Department Entrepreneurship workshop which was scheduled take place on Sunday 5/10/14 at Chainama SDA Church has been postponed to a later date to be announced later.
    1. The Lusaka Conference Music Camp meeting scheduled to take place from 5th – 11th October, 2014 at Muluse camp site has been postponed to 19 – 25th October 2014. Each participant should pay K70 camp fee and all singing groups are eligible to attend since no auditions will be conducted. Please submit the list of all singing groups and individuals who plan to attend, for better planning purposes.
    1. All Dorcas to meet on Sunday 5th October 2014 at Lusaka Central Church at 09:00hrs.
    1. There will be AMO Council on Sunday 5th October, 2014 at 09:00hrsat Libala Church. In addition all AMO going for the rally on 26/10/14 must pay K150 each and begin registering now.
  • Sabbath 13/09/14 Announcements

    Announced by Biness Chansa on Sep 12 2014

    Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

    1. The Pathfinder week of prayer comes to an end on Sabbath 13th September 2014, with a Pathfinder program in all Churches.
    2. The District will be running three (03) crusades beginning this September at the following sites;
    •  (i)   Kalingalinga Primary School Grounds 21st September – 10th October 2014. Main Speakers are Lusaka Conference Executive (Pas E. Shimunzhila, Pass G. Naini & Eld I. Kaputo). Sponsors: Lusaka Conference & District Evangelism
    • (ii)     Mahathi Maghandi Primary School Grounds from 27th September to 18thOctober 2014. Main Speaker: Elder Jorice Dimingo from Lusaka Conference Youth Wing. Conference sponsored.
    • (iii)       Ibex Hill Community School grounds 27th – 18th October 2014. Speakers are Evangelist P. Sililo, Evangelist S. Chiwasa & Evangelist S. Mutakwa. Sponsors are Dorcas Federation & District Evangelism.

             All churches are therefore urged to support these evangelistic programs.

          3.   There will be Zone 1A Dorcas fair on 14th September 2014. Venue will be Nakatindi Grounds at Civic Centre. Time 08 - 13hrs                          and all Dorcas to prepare for this.

    1. There will also be a Federation Dorcas council on Wednesday 17th of September 2014, at Mtendere Main Church. Time 14:00hrs. All Dorcas workers to attend.
    1. There will be an inter district choir rotation with Kafue Mission District next Sabbath 20/09/14 (Lusaka East will go to Kafue). See the attached musical program which shows where each singing group will be going and please let the Church Music Directors ensure that each singing group gets in touch with those churches on the cell numbers that have been provided.
    1. There will be Path Finder and Adventures progressive class exams at Mass Media Church on Sunday 5th October 2014 at 08hrs. The investure will be held at Hellen Kaunda Church on 8th October 2014.
    1. There will also be a District recreation at NRDC on Sun 12/10/14 starting 09hrs-16hrs.
    1. The Ambassador SOP camp which was scheduled to take place at Kings Highway School from 12 – 14th September 2014 has been moved to 31st Oct - 1st November 2014. Participation fee still remains K80.00 per participant.
    1. This serves to inform you that there will be a Youth Conference Rally which will start on 24th to 26th October 2014

    10. There will be an AMO rally to be held from 26th October to 1st November 2014.

    11. Mtendere South Church Reunion/Building promotion scheduled to take on 13/09/14 has been moved to 11th October 2014. Former members and the general public are invited to attend and contribute towards building.

    12. Chitukuko Church Harvesters Choir Reunion/Building promotion which was scheduled to be held last Sabbath 06/09/14 was shifted to 4/10/14 and all are invited to attend and contribute towards building.

    13. Correction to last week’s announcement number 15 which read that the late Elder Fred Chembo was District Auditor. It should instead read District Caretaker.

    14. The Lusaka Conference Executive Secretary has returned the CMS slips that he had collected from Churches and is asking all Church Clerks to do the entries on the templates now that all town Churches have trained CMS Coordinators. At the same time the process of collecting and updating CMS data for new members and those who did not submit should also continue. For details and technical support contact Elder Bernard Tembo and Elder Biness Chansa.


  • Sabbath 6th September 2014 Announcements

    Announced by Biness Chansa on Sep 05 2014

    Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

    1. There will be a Pathfinder week of prayer beginning on 7th to 13th September 2014, the Theme is Stand, and the theme song is Stand up for Jesus.
    2. The District Executive (Pastor’s office) would like to meet the District Youth Executive on Sabbath 6/09/14 at Hellen Kaunda SDA Church at 17:30hrs.
    3. The Lusaka East Mission District AMO Council will take place on Sunday 7th September 2014 at Mtendere Main SDA Church. Time 14:00hrs.
    4. There will be a Lusaka Conference Youth Crusade Committee meeting on Sunday the 7th of September 2014 at Mtendere Main SDA Church. Time 09:00hrs. All main committee and subcommittee must attend without fail.
    5. The District has assigned Adventist Youth promoters to all Churches in connection with the SOP Ambassador Camp, please Elders welcome them.
    6. There will be Zone 1A Dorcas fair on 14th September 2014. Venue will be Nakatindi Grounds at Civic Centre. Time 10:00hrs and all Dorcas to prepare for this.
    7. There will be an inter district choir rotation with Kafue Mission District (Lusaka East will go to Kafue). Date will be Sabbath 20th September 2014.
    8. There will be Path Finder and Adventures progressive class exams at Mass Media Church on Sunday 5th October 2014 at 08hrs. The investure will be held at Hellen Kaunda Church on 8th October 2014.
    9. There will also be a District recreation at NRDC on Sunday 12th October 2014 starting 09hrs-16hrs and the planning commit are to meet at Mtendere Main today Sabbath at 15hrs.
    10. There will be an Ambassador SOP camp at Kings Highway School from 12 – 14th September 2014. Participation fee is K80.00 per participant.
    11. There will be an AMO rally to be held from 26th October to 1st November 2014.
    12. Mtendere South Church Reunion/Building promotion scheduled to take on 13/09/14 has been moved to 20th September 2014. Former members and the general public are invited to attend and contribute towards building.
    13. Chitukuko Church Harvesters Choir Reunion/Building promotion which was scheduled to be held today 06/09/14 has been shifted to 4/10/14 and all are invited to attend and contribute towards building.
    14. The Family Life week of prayer which was scheduled to start tomorrow 7th October 2014 has been rescheduled to a date to be announced later.
    15. The Pastor’s office and Mtendere Main Church Leadership would like to thank all Churches and individuals who took part in offering financial and spiritual support to the Chembo family during the funeral of Elder Fred Chembo who was a serving Elder of Mtendere Main Church and also serving as District Auditor.  He died in a fatal road accident on 25th of August 2014 and was put to rest on 28th August 2014. May we continue to remember the children in our prayers.



    Announced by Biness Chansa on Jun 27 2014

     Mass Media SDA Church will be conducting an outside Sabbath worship program on 5th July 2014 during Re-union/building promotion day.  Former and current members from all over the country will come, therefore, you are all invited to come and worship with us. Music will be provided by the Loud Cry Singers and many others. Please be there and remember to take part in building Mass Media Church structure by contributing any amount you can afford.
  • District Council Minutes 30/03/14

    Announced by Biness Chansa on Jun 27 2014




    1. Devotion
    2. Roll call
    3. Reading of previous minutes/corrections/matters arising
    4. P.M council recommendations
    5. Financial report
    6. Mail bag



    The meeting opened with song number 163 in the local hymns, and a prayer from Elder C. Sibalwa of Chitukuko Church at 15:05 hours. The pulpit manager was Elder F. Chembo and the devotion was given by Elder W. Lukata both of Mtendere Main Church.

    The title of the devotion was “The Test of Faith” and the presenter stressed the fact that Abraham was tested by God to offer his only son Isaac.

    At this point, the house went into a season of prayers which were offered by Sr A. Fulawu of Palabana and Elder J.M Mwila of Mass Media respectively.

    Roll Call

    Roll call was conducted as follows;

    1        Mapili Company  - 01

    2        Kyiundu     "        - nil

    3        Palabana              - 03

    4        Mtendere East     - 05

    5        Damascus Company - 03

    6        Mount Olives Company - 09

    7        Valley View Company - 01

    8        Mount Nebo Company - 02

    9        Chitukuko  - 02

    10    Mtendere South  - 08

    11    Hellen Kaunda - 03

    12    Mtendere Main - 06                                                                                                                     

    13    Mtendere Central Company  - 02

    14    Kalingalinga    - 11

    15    Mass Media - 09

    See also attached list



    (i)                 The 29th December, 2013  Minutes

    On page 1, paragraph 3 the name  Kaund was corrected to read  as Kaunda.

    On page 3 attendance List number 2 the name Kayama was corrected to read as Kanyama

      On page 3 attendance list number 13 the name Rouna was corrected to read as Royona

    On page 4 attendance list number 19 the name Mbowale was corrected to read as Mbowela

    On page 4 attendance list number 23 the name Kwaleyele was corrected to read as Kwaleyela

    On page 4 attendance list number 24 the name Stepphen was corrected to read as Stephen

    On page 4 attendance list number 29 the name Daroius was corrected to read as Darius

    On page 4 attendance list number 30 the word Suoerrintendent was corrected to read as superintendent

    On page 4 attendance list number 36 the name Mayunbelo was corrected to read as Mayumbelo

    On page 4 attendance list number 42 the name Choongo was corrected to read as Chongo

    On page 4 attendance list number 48 the word Aest was corrected to read as East.

    On page 4 attendance list number 60 the name Sinfukwe was corrected to read as Simfukwe.

    On page 5 apologies list number 1 the name Chabasa was corrected to read as Chibasa

    On page 5 apologies list number 6 the name Benita was corrected to read as Benitha

    On page 5 apologies list number 19 the name Pious was corrected to read as Pias


    (ii)               The 2nd February, 2014 Minutes.

    On pages 3, 4 and 5 the attendance and apologies lists which were not numbered were corrected by inserting in the numbers.

    On page 2 item 1.3 announcement which read as follows;  It was announced that every effort be employed, by every member of the district, in the distribution of the book “When God says remember”, as a way of winning souls was corrected by removing the commas from the sentence.

    Under the same page the sentence, there being no other business, the meeting adjourned was corrected to read the meeting was adjourned.

    On page 3 number 6 the name Kalimvuna was corrected to read as Kalimukwa

    On pages 21, 22 the word treasure was corrected to read as Treasurer.

    On page 3 number 44 the name Ngama was corrected to read as Ngoma


    Matters Arising

    The 29th December, 2013 Minutes

    A member queried whether the Elder in charge of the camp meeting had gotten the files from the previous chairman. It was explained that the Elder in charge was not in the council to answer to the query.

    P.M Council Recommendations

    (i)  A summarised version of the departmental reports was presented and the council approved it.

    (ii) The District sewing machines which were obsolete were disposed off through Sister Florence Banda.

    (iii)  The council approved the change of dates for Adventist Missionary camp from 9th – 18th  May to       7th - 17th August 2014.

    (iv) The council approved the holding of a local Adventist Music seminar for local Adventist Youth Directors on 8th May 2014 at Hellen Kaunda Church.

    Financial Report. (Income & Expenditure)

    The report was presented and members wanted to find out why it was not audited. The Treasurer explained that, since it was simply an income and expenditure report, the council therefore could still debate and approve it. After some discussion the house approved the report.

    The Treasurer requested Churches to be submitting yellow sheets to his office.

    Mail Bag.

    • The council approved the name of brother Mangambwa of Mtendere Main to be the Secretary of Ephaphras department while the replacement of the current Leader who was not effective was referred back to the department to recommend a name.
    • It was announced that Sister Margret Zulu of Kalingalinga was the new Lusaka Conference Publishing Leader in charge of Lusaka East Mission and Sister Brenda Mwape was the new Secretary for the same district.
    • It was announced that the Adventist Youth Federation was in the process of fundraising for the sponsorship of the two projects it wished to engage in. The projects were;

    (i) A Chicken raring project in Palabana

    (ii) A uniform project meant to be used to supply current and correct uniform to our members at a minimal profit.

    • Another announcement was that the Youth Federation was now offering free tuitions for grades 10, 11 and 12 at Mtendere South SDA Church on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 16 – 17:45hours and on Sundays from 08:00hrs.
    • It was announced that Mtendere Main Church was to host a Rusangu sponsored crusade at Mahati Maghandi Primary School grounds from 27th April – 17th May 2014. The speakers were announced as follows:

    (i) Pastor Hachamba from Central Zambia Conference as the First Speaker.

    (ii) 10 Student Pastors from Rusangu University as co- Speakers.

    • All Churches were requested to submit names and cell numbers for all the Children Ministries Leaders. It was further announced that the VBS Lessons for the holiday were ready and leaders were to see Elder Mtetesha.                                                                                                                   

    The meeting was adjourned at 16:50 hours with a song titled “Hark the voice of Jesus calling” and a prayer from Elder Thomas Kanyama of Mount Olives Company.








    Sr Benita Ngulube

    Mass Media

    Sabb Sch Superintendent


    Sr Ngoza M. Banda

    Mass Media

    Ass Dorcas leader


    Sr Judith Chongo Shambana


    Church Treasurer


    Sr Dorcas Mwale

    Mass Media

    Ass Dorcas Fed Secretary


    Evang Margret Zulu


    Dorcas fed President/Publishing


    Sr Idah Musute

    Mtendere Main

    Ass Dorcas


    Sr Rodah Muzelengani

    Mtendere South



    Sr Patricia Mupeta


    Ass Dorcas Fed President


    Deac Andrew  Mkandawire


    A.Y Federation President


    Sr Escerit Muzeta




    Sr Belinda Mulanshi


    Health leader


    Br Pias Simukumbwa

    Mtendere Main



    Br Ashley Moono




    Br Fred Chembo




    Eld Christopher Muunga


    Admin Elder


    Br Mwiinga Oliver

    Mtendere Central Coy

    Company Leader


    Br Kennedy Shimunjile

    Mtendere Main

    P.M Leader


    Eld Hudson Malumbe


    District Auditor


    Br Erickson Chisamu


    Ass Sop Leader


    Br Kelvin Mwiinga




    Sr Peggy Nahonge


    Church Clerk


    Br Cacius Mubita

    Hellen Kaunda



    Br Cephas Moonga


    Admin Elder


    Br Noel Mudenda


    Sabbath School Leader


    Br Cacious Sibalwa


    Admin Elder


    Sr Agness Namusenga


    Head Deaconess


    Sr Prisca C.M mulenga




    Sr Mutinta Mwansa


    Ass Treasurer /Ass Dorcas Sec


    Br Nicholas Mtetesha

    Mass Media

    Ass Dist Children Ministries


    Br Bornwell Siamuzovu

    Mount Olives Coy

    Ass Coy Treasurer                     


    Br .A.C Muchindu


    AMO Leader


    Deacon Matthews Nguni


    Ass Coy Leader


    Eld Thomas Kanyama


    Coy Leader


    Eld J.M Mwila

    Mass Media

    Family Life Leader


    Deacon Sydney Maka

       "          "

    Communications Leader


    Br Pharaoh Mudenda

       "          "

    Ass VOP Secretary


    Br Daniel Mbewe

    Mount Olives Coy

    PM Leader


    Br Solomon Fwamba

    Mount Nebo

    Ass Coy Clerk


    Sr Onester H Fwamba

       "            "

    Ass Superintendent


    Eld N. Moonga

    Mtendere South



    Br Martin Mwansa

      "             "

    Music Director


    Sr Coness Kalinda

      "             "

    Church Clerk


    Br Andrew Lukonde

      "             "

    A.Y Leader


    Deacon S.M Masuku

      "             "



    Br Fezwell N. Simakoloyi




    Sr Grace Mumba

    Mount Olives

    Dorcas Leader


    Sr Fales Daka

    Mtendere East

    Head Deaconess


    Sr Brenda Phiri

      "            "

    Music Director


    Sr Rosy Hara

      "            "

    Dorcas Leader


    Sr Costas Phiri

    Mount Olives



    Eld Winston Lukata

    Mtendere Main



    Eld Mbowela Bright

    Damascus Coy



    Eld Stephen Lukonde

    Mtendere South

    Dist VOP Leader


    Eld Aston Banda

    Mass Media



    Br Sydney Ngoma

    Mount Olives

    Coy Clerk


    Br Emmanuel Musonda

    Damascus Coy

    Coy Clerk


    Br Phinius M. Kamocha

        "             "

    P.M Leader


    Sr Dorothy Malumani

    Mtendere East



    Muleya Simutelo

    Mount Olives



    Sr Judith Kanyama

    Mount Olives



    Eld Mario Mwansa




    Br Emmanuel Mulenga


    P.M Leader


    Deacon Nevison Kabbudula


    Dist SSPC Committee


    Mushatu Chikobola

    Mapili Coy



    Sr Annie Fulawu


    Church Clerk


    Eld Philip Maseko




    Eld Wise Sibindi


    Admin Elder /Dist Treasurer








    Eld K Mooka

    Mtendere South

    Admin Elder


    Eld K Chishiba

    Mtendere South



    Eld C.H Hampande

    Kyindu Coy

    Coy Leader


    Sr Bessy Muvwanga


    Adventurers  Director


    Eld Roy Namusenga




    Eld N. C Mutale

    Hellen Kaunda

    Fed AMO President


    Eld Harman Zulu


    LEMD Stewardship Leader


    Eld F. Chipulu

    Mtendere South

    Religious Liberty Leader


    Sr Febby Kapole

    Damascus Coy

    Coy Treasurer


    Sr R.S Banda

    Mass Media



    Sr Mercy Zylambo

    Mtendere Central Coy



    Br Muchindu Mobi

    Mtendere Central Coy



    Sr Victoria Mwiinga


    Children Ministries Leader


    Eld Isaac Zulu

    Mtendere Main



    Eld Luhamba Mooka

    Mtendere Main



    Eld Bzeck Phiri

    Mtendere Main



    Eld Addy Makasalo

    Helen Kaunda

    LEMD SSPC Chairman


    Sr Royce Mufungulwa

    Mtendere South

    Dorcas Leader


    Sr Loveness Mulenga

    Mtendere South

    Head Deaconess


    Sr Harriet Malambo

    Mtendere South

    Sabb/Sch District Secretary


    Sr Sibeso Phiri


    Sabb/Sch District Superintendent


    Sr Veronica Zimba

    Mtendere Main



    Sr Chomba Chilombo

    Mtendere Main

    A.Y secretary


    Elder Emmanuel Mwaluwisha

    Mtendere East

    Fed A.Y Vice President


    Eld Bernard Tembo

    Hellen Kaunda

    Ass Dist Secretary




























    Pastor Aswell Kalela                                                                                       Elder Shepherd Mutakwa

    Chairman                                                                                                         Secretary                               

  • Sabbath 28th June 2014 District Announcements

    Announced by Biness Chansa on Jun 27 2014

    Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

    1. Sabbath 28/06/14 marks the end of the Stewardship month of emphasis programme.
    1. There will be a CPC and District Council on Sunday the 29th of June 2014 at Mtendere Main Church. Time 08:00hrs and 14:00hrs respectively. Elders please ensure that all members of the District Council attend without fail. (Church officers)
    1. There will be a Lusaka conference Youth congress at Silverest School starting on 27th June – 1st July, 2014. Registration fee has now been reduced to K50 and deadline for payments has now been moved to 29th of June 2014. Please contact the District Youth Secretariat for more details.
    1. There will also be a pathfinder camp fire at Riverside in Kafue on Saturday 5th July, 2014. Participation fee is K40 per person.
    1. There will also be Adventurer and Pathfinder progressive exams at Mtendere Main on Monday 7th July not Thursday, 3rd July as earlier announced.
    1. All Master Guides are being reminded to prepare for their retreat scheduled to begin on Friday 11th – 13thJuly, 2014. All Master Guides are therefore advised to see their respective leaders for fees and more details.
    1. There will be a Lusaka Conference Lay Preachers Seminar for Beginners/Intermediate and Senior Lay Preachers at Chilongolo from 4th – 12th July 2014. The fees are K100.00 for transport and feeding. Churches are requested to at least sponsor 4 people and also send the names of all those going to Elder Patrick Sililo the District Evangelism Leader.  Please begin paying through your Church Treasurer and also directly through the Conference. All are invited to attend.
    1. Sabbath School and Personal Ministries materials are available and on sale at Anchor house. Materials available are
    • AMO ties US$10
    • Sermon preparation
    • Community services manual
    • Sabbath school Leaders handbook
    • Personal Ministries handbook
    • Door to door Evangelism
    • Personal witnessing
    • Principles of church growth
    1. The Conference will hold a music convention during the period 5 – 11 October, 2014 at Muluse campsite. Participation fee is K70.00 per delegate to be paid by 31/07/14.

    10. Lusaka Conference Stewardship Dept will hold a planned Entrepreneurship workshop module 1 to be conducted tomorrow Sunday 29/06/14 at Libala Church. This workshop will be open to ALL Church members and the office of the Pastor is hoping that all Churches did send the number of participants as the deadline for submission of the number of participants was on the 19th of June 2014.

    11. Mass Media SDA Church will be conducting an outside Sabbath worship program on 5th July 2014 during Re-union/building promotion day.  Former and current members from all over the country will come, therefore, you are all invited to come and worship with us. Music will be provided by the Loud Cry Singers and many others. Please be there and remember to take part in building Mass Media Church structure by contributing any amount you can afford.




  • 21st June 2014

    Announced by Biness Chansa on Jun 19 2014

    Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

    1.  Sabbath 21/06/14 will be Nurture and reclaiming the lost program in all Churches. The Conference has send speakers from Lusaka South Mission District while those from Lusaka East have been sent to Lusaka South. The Stewardship program will resume  on Sabbath 28th June 2014 in all churches.
    2. All the District Heads of Departments are urged to prepare their reports after Sunday 22/06/14 in order to include reports from Churches which did not have their Church boards and business meetings on Sunday 8th June 2014 but are having it on 22nd June 2014.
    3. There will be a Dorcas Council on Wednesday 25/06/14 at Mtendere Main Church Starting at 14:00hrs. All Dorcas workers to attend without fail.
    4. There will be a Youth Executive meeting and council on Sunday 22/06/14 at Mtendere Main Church. Time 08:00hrs and 14: hrs respectively.
    5. There will be a CPC and District Council on Sunday the 29th of June 2014 at Mtendere Main Church. Time 08:00hrs and 14:00hrs respectively. Elders let us ensure that all members of the District council attend without fail. (Church officers)
    6. There will be a Lusaka conference Youth congress at Silverest School starting on 27th June – 1st July, 2014. Registration fee is K100 and deadline closes on 20th of June. Please contact the district Youth Secretariat for more details.
    7. There will be a Pathfinder hiking on Sunday 22nd June 2014. The fee is K40.00 person and departure is at Mtendere Church at 08:00hrs.
    8. There will also be a pathfinder camp fire at Riverside in Kafue on Saturday 5th July, 2014. Participation fee is K40 per person.
    9. There will also be Adventurer and Pathfinder progressive exams at Mtendere Main on Thursday, 3rd July and honor exams on Sunday, 13th July, 2014. Please prepare in advance.
    10.  All Master Guides are being reminded to prepare for their retreat scheduled to begin on Friday 11th – 13thJuly, 2014. All Master Guides are therefore advised to see their respective leaders for fees and more details.
    11.  There will be a Lusaka Conference Lay Preachers Seminar for beginners/Intermediate and Senior Lay Preachers at Chilongolo from 4th – 12th July 2014. The fees are K100.00 for transport and feeding. Please begin paying through your Church Treasurer and also directly through the Conference. All are invited to attend.
    12. Sabbath School and Personal Ministries materials are available and on sale at Anchor house. Materials available are
    • AMO ties US$10
    • Sermon preparation
    • Community services manual
    • Sabbath school Leaders handbook
    • Personal Ministries handbook
    • Door to door Evangelism
    • Personal witnessing
    • Principles of church growth


    13. The Conference will hold a music convention during the period 5 – 11 October, 2014 at Muluse campsite. Participation fee is K70.00 per delegate to be paid by 31/07/14. 

    14. Lusaka Conference Stewardship Dept will hold a planned Entrepreneurship workshop module 1 to be conducted on the 29/06/14 at Libala Church. This workshop will be open to ALL Church members. The District Secretariat is hoping that all Churches did send the number of participants as this information was required by 19th June 2014.

    15. Mass Media SDA Church will conduct a reunion/building day on Sabbath 5/07/14 for those who previously worshipped at Mass Media as well as former members are all invited. Those who are just interested in helping are also welcome and can come with any amount for building as the Church will rejoice with you.


  • Sabbath School Study Guides Available at ZAP

    Announced by Biness Chansa on Jun 05 2014

    Be advised that ZAP has all kinds of Sabbath School Study guides ranging from kids to Adults. All languages are available. Just make orders now when stocks last. Call on ZAP for your orders as soon as possible. ZAP is located at Lusaka house second floor.
  • Sabbath 7th June 2014 Announcements

    Announced by Biness Chansa on Jun 05 2014

    Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

    1. The Federation Youth President and his team of over 12 youths are in Rufunsa Mission District conducting a crusade which began on 2nd to 21st June 2014. Please let us pray for the success of this program.
    1. The district music department will be conducting camp meeting music audition on Sunday 8/06/14 at Chitukuko SDA Church starting at 13.00hrs. All who are participating to come in uniform and observe time.
    1. There will be a district Children Ministries council meeting on Sunday 8/06/14 at Mtendere Main SDA Church starting at 08:00hrs. To attend are all local children ministries leaders, Local VBS, Pathfinder and Adventurer Leaders both local and district and all local Church Sabbath School Superintendents.
    1. There will be a Lusaka conference Youth congress at Silverest School starting on 27th June – 1st July, 2014. Registration fee is K100 and deadline closes on 20th of June. Please contact the district Youth Secretariat for more details.
    1. There will be a Pathfinder hiking on 22nd June 2014 in Palabana and a Master Guide retreat from Friday 11th – 13thJuly, 2014. All master guides and pathfinders are advised to see their respective leaders for fees and more details.
    1. There will also be a pathfinder camp fire at Riverside in Kafue on Saturday 5th July, 2014. Participation fee is K40 per person.
    1. There will also be Adventurer and Pathfinder progressive exams at Mtendere Main on Thursday, 3rd July and honor exams on Sunday, 13th July, 2014. Please prepare in advance.
    1. There will be a Health Ministries Retreat on Sun 15th June, 2014 in the Lusaka Central Church Hall from 9:00hrs - 14:00hrs. All Local Church/ District Health Leaders to attend and those who will need to eat during and after the meeting to carry their own food.
    1. There will be a meeting for all Spirit of Prophecy Coordinators and Publishing Coordinators from the Local Churches and the District on Sunday 8th June 2014, at Libala Church starting at 09:00hrs – 14:00hrs. The conference still has a few remaining History of Redemption books at K100 and those interested should get in touch with their Local Leaders.

    10. The stewardship month of June begins today and today’s program will be conducted together with music provided by Kafue Mission District. 

    11. There will be a Lusaka Conference Lay Preachers Seminar for beginners/Intermediate and Senior Lay Preachers at Chilongolo from 4th – 12th July 2014. The fees are K95.00 for transport and feeding. Please begin paying through your Church Treasurer and also directly through the Conference. All are invited to attend.


    12. Sabbath School and Personal Ministries materials are available and on sale at Anchor house. Materials available are

    • AMO ties US$10
    • Sermon preparation
    • Community services manual
    • Sabbath school Leaders handbook
    • Personal Ministries handbook
    • Door to door Evangelism
    • Personal witnessing
    • Principles of church growth


    13. The Conference will hold a music convention during the period 5 – 11 October, 2014 at Muluse campsite. Participation fee is K70.00 per delegate to be paid by 31/07/14.

    14. Mtendere East SDA Church will conduct a Pathfinder parade’s day on the 15th of June 2014 at Kalikiliki grounds. All Churches interested in taking part in this program are requested to contribute a participation fee of K10.00.
    15. There will be a Lay Preachers meeting tomorrow Sun 8/06/14 at Kabwata SDA Church starting at 08:30hrs. All Lay preachers to attend without fail.

  • Sabbath 24th May 2014 Announcements

    Announced by Biness Chansa on May 22 2014

    Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

    1. There will be a Church/Company Clerk briefing by LC Executive Secretary Pastor G. Naini on Sunday 25th May 2014 at Mtendere Main Church starting 09:00hrs - 09:30hrs. All Church and Company Clerks to attend without fail. Let them come along with filled in Get Counted Registration Forms. These forms have already been provided to Church Clerks and they should ensure that all Church members should fill them in today if they haven’t yet. 

    2. There will be a teachers convention in Livingstone from 12th – 16th August 2014. As such all Adventist teachers in Lusaka Conference are called to attend an important meeting at Libala Church on the 1st of June starting at 09:00hrs – 13:00hrs.

    3. There will be a meeting for all Spirit of Prophecy Coordinators and Publishing Coordinators from the Local Churches and the District on 8th June 2014, at Libala Church starting at 09:00hrs – 14:00hrs. The conference still has a few remaining History of Redemption books at K100 and those interested should get in touch with their Local Leaders.

    4. There will be a zone camp meeting council on Monday 26th May 2014 at Muluse campsite starting at 09:00hrs. To attend are, all camp meeting chairpersons, company Leaders, Elders in Charge, Administrative Elders and all Zone Camp meeting council members. The outgoing subcommittee chairpersons should carry with them the files as the handovers shall take place on the same day.

    5. There will be a Lusaka Conference Lay Preachers Seminar for beginners/Intermediate and Senior Lay Preachers at Chilongolo from 4th – 12th July 2014. The fees are K95.00 for transport and feeding. Please begin paying through your Church Treasurer and also directly through the Conference. All are invited to attend.

    6. There will be year of Evangelism Evaluation at Kabwata Church from 09:00hrs – 13:00hrs on the 1st of June, 2014. All District Evangelism Leaders, Church Sabbath School Superintendents and Personal Ministry Leaders and Elders in charge to attend

    7. Sabbath School and Personal Ministries materials are available and on sale at Anchor house. Materials available are 

    • AMO ties US$10

    • Sermon preparation

    • Community services manual

    • Sabbath school Leaders handbook

    • Personal Ministries handbook

    • Door to door Evangelism

    • Personal witnessing

    • Principles of church growth


    8. There will be AMO Council tomorrow Sunday, 25th May, 2014 at Libala Church starting at 09:00hrs. All AMO to attend in uniform

    9. The Conference will hold a music convention during the period 5 – 11 October, 2014 at Muluse campsite. Participation fee is K70.00 per delegate to be paid by 31/07/14


    10.There will be a Lusaka Conference Music committee meeting on Sunday 25th May 2014 at Lusaka conference office. To attend are all executive and subcommittee members. This will then be followed by the conference music council which will be held on Sunday 1st June 2014, at Libala Church starting at 10:00hrs. Those to attend are members of the conference main and sub-committees, zone and district music leaders and directors.


    11. There will be a meeting for all women and Children Ministries Directors from all local congregations to be addressed by the Director from the Conference at Mtendere Main Church tomorrow Sunday 25th May 2014 starting at 09:00hrs – 13:00hrs.

    12. This serves to remind all Churches and Companies that the month of June will be a Stewardship month and you are therefore requested to arrange for your own speakers beginning now. The material will be provided.

    13.  All members are reminded that May is a drug awareness month

  • Sabbath 17/05/14 Announcements

    Announced by Biness Chansa on May 15 2014

    Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

    1. The Rusangu University sponsored crusade comes to an end on Sabbath 17th May 2014 with baptism at Mtendere Main Church. Therefore all Churches with candidates to be baptized should bring their candidates to the crusade site at Mahati Maghandi school Grounds in the morning and they should carry packed lunch. At least an elder, Church Clerk, Deacons and Deaconesses should accompany them.

    2. The Lusaka East Mission District Adventist Youths will conduct a crusade in Rufunsa Mission District from 1st – 21st June 2014.

    3. The federation Youth council and Music seminar for all AY local directors earlier on announced to take place at Hellen Kaunda SDA Church plot has been moved to Mtendere South SDA. The date and time still remains  Sunday 18th May at 08:00hrs and all to come in uniform.

    1. All Local Church Epaphras Leaders to meet on Sabbath 17th May 2014 at Mtendere Main. Time 17hrs.

    2. There will be a Dorcas council at Libala SDA Church on Sunday 18th May 2014 at 09:00hrs. All Dorcas workers to attend.

    1. There will be a Lusaka Conference Lay Preachers Seminar for beginners/Intermediate and Senior Lay Preachers at Chilongolo from 4th – 8th July 2014. All are invited to attend.

    2. Elder Ashley Moono of Mtendere SDA Church has opened a driving school and all those interested can contact him on 0965975560/0975956566.

    3. This serves to remind all Churches and Companies that the month of June will be a Stewardship month and you are therefore requested to arrange for your own speakers beginning now. The material will be provided.

    4.  All members are reminded that May is a drug awareness month

  • Sabbath 3rd May 2014 Announcements

    Announced by Communication Massmedia SDA Church on May 02 2014

    Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

    1. The Lusaka Conference Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Elder Kaputo will be conducting a seminar on Sabbath 3rd May 2014 at Kalingalinga SDA Church. To attend are all local Church Treasures, local Church Auditors, District Auditors and Elders in charge. All Church & Company Treasures should worship at Kalingalinga Church beginning in the morning as Elder Kaputo would like to meet them one by one before 14:00hrs. Lunch will be provided for Treasurers while Auditors and Elders in charge should be by Kalingalinga by 14:00hrs. Note: that the CFO has finished auditing and all Treasures to pick their books from Mtendere Main.


    2. The Lusaka Conference Personal Ministries Director is reminding all churches and Companies that we have entered the second phase of our Evangelism Road Map which started from 27th April – 10th May. This means that all churches and Companies must be running evangelist campaigns which must end with a mass baptism on 10th May 2014 at Mtendere Main and VOP graduations in all Churches. Further all churches are reminded to collect their VOP lessons from LEMD VOP Leader.


    3. In view of announcement number two (2) The District Executive has assigned speakers to all Churches and some companies on Sabbath 3rd May 2014 to deal with evangelism the whole day. Each Church and company should make arrangments to pick their speaker in the morning from Mtendere Main Church. The list is as follows;

    1. Mass Media – Pastor John Mutambo

    2. Kalingalinga – Elder Isaac Kaputo

    3. Hellen Kaunda – Pastor Joshua Chapi

    4. Mtendere Main – Pastor Hachamba

    5. Mtendere South – Pastor Mwiya Zaza

    6. Chitukuko         - Pastor Hilary Moonga

    7. Mtendere East – Pastor Maimbo D. Muulu

    8. Palabana – Pastor Paul Shatontola

    9. Mount Olives  - Patsor Ken Kajilakwenda

    10. Damascus – Pastor Mouse Michelo

    11. Valley View – Pastor Maulu Nalituba

    12. Mtendere Central Pastor Oblin Kazumba


    1. The Impact Lusaka with Christ Conference is on up to the 10th of May 2014 at Government Complex and open to the public. Please let us attend and remember to bring at least one person.


    2. There will be a conference AMO meeting at Libala church on 4th May 2014 starting at 09:00hrs. All AMO members to attend without fail.


    3. There will be a Conference Lay Preachers Seminar for beginners/Intermediate and Senior Lay Preachers at Chilongolo from 24th to 28th June 2014. All are invited to attend.


    4. The Rusangu University sponsored crusade being hosted by Mtendere Main Church began on Sunday 27th April to 17th May 2014 at Mahati Maghandi grounds. All are welcome and invite non SDAs.


    5. Chitukuko Church and its two Companies (Mt Nebo & Valley View) are also running indoor evangelistic campaigns or crusades which started on Sunday and will end on Sabbath 10/05/14. Let us remember to support these campaigns by attending and inviting non SDAs.


    6. The Youth Missionary Camp to be held in Kyindu earlier on announced to take place from 8th to 18th May 2014 has been moved forward to 8th to 17th, August 2014. Missionary volunteers are encouraged to register their interests to attend with the Youth Secretary.


    7.  All members are reminded that May is a drug awareness month.

  • 3rd August 2013 Announcements

    Announced by Communication Massmedia SDA Church on Aug 02 2013

    Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

    1.     Churches are being advised to carry out adequate Camp meeting sensitizations to their members (physical and moral preparations) to ensure that they attend the annual feast. The dates are from 18 – 24th August 2013. Speakers and theme as earlier announced in all church.

    2.     The Muluse Zone Camp meeting Council meeting which was scheduled to take place last Sunday the 28th July 2013 at Muluse camp site, will now take place on Sunday 4th August 2013 at Muluse Campsite starting at 08:00hrs. All Admin and Elders in charge, District Camp meeting Chairpersons and Zone camp meeting subcommittee council members to attend without fail.

    3.     Publishing Ministries will be visiting Mtendere South Mtendere South on Sabbath 3rd August 2013.

    4.     Each Church is requested to send names with their contact numbers and email addresses for Stewardship Secretaries/SSPC Chairpersons and Trust Service Leaders to the District Secretariat on Sabbath 3rd August 2013. The Conference wants these details as soon as possible.

    5.     The Conference is requesting each church to furnish them with the following details; the full names of all the teachers in your church, specialty and contact details i.e email, mobile numbers, landline, physical and postal addresses also send us the list of those teachers who attended the education seminar which was held at Libala Church on May 26th 2013.

    6.     All Churches with the exception of Kalingalinga and Mass Media are expected to be concluding the children’s week of prayer with a children’s day on 3rd August 2013. May I once more ask the Elders to submit the names of the speakers to the Secretariat and a report on the activities that took place. 

    7.     LEMD Churches are requested to send updated church membership to the district communication department via our email address  for the update of the district website on the home page. Your quick response will be highly appreciated

    Admin elders, please furnish the communication with the total membership of your churches as soon as possible. This announcement has been running for some months now and no response so far. If you cannot use the email address as indicated above, you can SMS or send the figures through 0966/0955 – 598387

  • 8th June 2013 Announcements

    Announced by Communication Massmedia SDA Church on Jun 07 2013


          Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  

    1.     There will be a conference camp for Ambassadors and Senior Youths in Sala East Mission District (Nampundwe) during the 4 days holiday break 28 June – July 2, 2013. Registration fee is ZKR 30 per person and it should be paid directly to the Conference Youth Treasurer Br Muluwe of Woodlands Mission District. His cell No is 0977230832 or 0964720842. Theme for the camp is “Disciples for service” and topics include; salvation and service, youth and sexuality, Discipleship, etc. Districts are encouraged to travel together as a unit. Deadline for the registration fee is 14th June 2013.

    2.     All Churches to submit copies of their Insurance Cover with the Pastors Office. (Note that this is a requirement for any Group/ Department travelling out).

    3.     The 2013 Camp Meeting schedule shall be as follows; Avondale and Lusaka East Mission Districts shall camp in the second group from 18 – 24th August at Muluse. Theme: We are His disciples. Text John 8: 31 – 32. Theme Song: I will follow thee. SDA Hymnal # 623; Local # 11. Main Speaker: Pastor Clement Imolo, 2nd Speaker Pastor David Kayaya, 3rd Speaker: Evangelist Teddy Milambo. Please prepare to attend.

    4.      The District executive would like to commend all churches that held crusades or any other evangelistic program which resulted in District membership being added by 266 souls that were baptized in the past 3 weeks. Please keep soldering on the Lord will reward you.

    5.      The Lusaka Conference Executive Secretary (Pastor G. Naini) is conducting a seminar for all Church Clerks and Elders in charge at Kalingalinga Church today Sabbath the 8th of June 2013. All Church Clerks and Elders in charge should be in attendance. The program starts in the morning and participants are therefore asked to come with packed lunch.

    6.      The month of June has been declared as a month of stewardship. Churches are therefore being asked to ensure that all the programs that are conducted on the Sabbath involve stewardship. At the end of the month a report will be required from each church.

    7.      To all District Heads of Departments. All Sabbath meetings will not be allowed as they disturb the worship services. Therefore you are being advised to make alternative meeting days.

    8.     The District Health department will conduct an open clinic to the general public on Sunday the 9th of June 2013 at Kitana Academy in M’tendere East. The program begins with a match past from Mtendere East or Maploti market at 07:45hrs. Elders and Federation Presidents ensure that, all Adventist Youths, Dorcas mothers  and Adventist Men should come for a match past in their uniforms. Come for free eye clinic, skin problems, diabetes, nutrition , cervical cancer and many more

    9.     There will be Ambassador family life seminar at Chitukuko on Sunday 9th June 2013. NOTE: that the seminar will commence after the Health match past. Carry food for your lunch.

    10.  There will be Master Guide day on 22/06/13 in all churches. Preachers have been assigned.

    11.   Kalingalinga S.D.A Church is looking for qualified Building Contractors to finish the construction of the Church. All applications should be addressed to the Church clerk and should include the applicant's CV and building profile. Closing date for submission of applications is 10th June 2013.

    12.  LEMD churches are requested to send updated church membership to the district communication department via our email address  for the update of the district  website on the home page. Your quick response will be highly appreciated.


    13.  The District pastor’s leave came to an end on Wednesday the 5th of June 2013.



  • 1st June 2013 Announcements

    Announced by Communication Massmedia SDA Church on May 31 2013


          Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  

    1.     There will be a conference camp for Ambassadors and Senior Youths in Sala East Mission District (Nampundwe) during the 4 days holiday break 28 June – July 2, 2013. Registration fee is ZKR 30 per person and it should be paid directly to the Conference Youth Treasurer Br Muluwe of Woodlands Mission District. His cell No is 0977230832 or 0964720842. Theme for the camp is “Disciples for service” and topics include; salvation and service, youth and sexuality, Discipleship, etc. Districts are encouraged to travel together as a unit. Deadline for the registration fee is 14th June 2013.

    2.     All Churches to submit copies of their Insurance Cover with the Pastors Office. (Note that this is a requirement for any Group/ Department travelling out).

    3.     The 2013 Camp Meeting schedule shall be as follows; Avondale and Lusaka East Mission Districts shall camp in the second group from 18 – 24th August at Muluse. Theme: We are His disciples. Text John 8: 31 – 32. Theme Song: I will follow thee. SDA Hymnal # 623; Local # 11. Main Speaker: Pastor Clement Imolo, 2nd Speaker Pastor David Kayaya, 3rd Speaker: Evangelist Teddy Milambo. Please prepare to attend.

    4.     The Spirit of Prophecy Conference begins on Monday 3rd to 7th June, 2013 at Mulungushi International Conference Centre. Those who have paid registration should attend.


    5.      The M’tendere Main crusade which was being conducted at Mahati Maghandi School grounds comes to an end today with baptism at M’tendere Main Church starting at 14:00hrs. All churches that have candidates for baptism should ensure that their candidates are at M’tendere Main by 13:30hrs.


    6.     The Lusaka Conference Executive Secretary (Pastor G. Naini) will be conducting a seminar at Kalingalinga Church next Sabbath the 8th of June 2013. All Church Clerks and Elders in charge to attend without fail. The program starts in the morning and you are therefore asked to come with packed lunch.


    7.     The month of June has been declared as a month of stewardship. Churches are therefore being asked to ensure that all the programs that are conducted on the Sabbath involve stewardship. At the end of the month a report will be required from each church.


    8.     To all District Heads of Departments. All Sabbath meetings will not be allowed as they disturb the worship services. Therefore you are being advised to make alternative meeting days.


    9.     There will be Lusaka conference music council for the groups that were selected during auditions on Sunday 2nd June 2013 at Libala Church at 8:00hrs.  The groups are; (1) Valley View Youth Choir, (2) Omega Hope – Mass Media,  (3) Kings Royal Chords – Kalingalinga,  (4) Remnant Vocals – Palabana, (6) Joy Bells – Hellen Kaunda, (7) Pleiades – Kalingalinga and (8) Heavenly Bound. To attend are Conference Music Committee Members, all Resource Persons, District Music leaders ,  Leaders of Selected and Standby Groups.


    10.  There will be A.Y Music fellowship at M’tendere main on Sunday 2nd June 2013 from 08:00hrs to 16:45hrs. Come in uniform and with food for lunch. Remember that district Pathfinder Drill team will also be held on the same day same venue from 08:00hrs to 16:00hrs.


    11.  There will be Ambassador family life seminar at Chitukuko on 9th June 2013 starting at 08:00hrs. Carry food for your lunch.


    12.   Kalingalinga S.D.A Church is looking for qualified Building Contractors to finish the construction of the church. All applications should be addressed to the Church clerk and should include the applicant's CV and building profile. Closing date for submission of applications is 10th June 2013.


    13.  There will be a Conference Music Council on Sun 2/06/13 at Libala Church starting at 09:00hrs. To attend are Conference Music Committee Members, all Resource Persons, District Music Leaders of Selected and Standby Groups.


  • 9th March 2013 District Announcements

    Announced by Communication Massmedia SDA Church on Mar 07 2013

          Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    1. There will be Music workshop on 10th March 2013, venue to be advised.
    2. There will be A.Y week of prayers from 16th - 23rd March 2013 in all churches and A.Y day will be on 23rd March 2013.
    3. There will be departmental Councils on 24th March 2013 at M’tendere Main at 08:00hrs
    4. Christian education day will be on 30th March 2013
    5. Health leaders will visit M’tendere Main while Children Ministries will visit Palabana on 30th March 2013
    6. There will be CPC and District Council on 31st March 2013
    7. There will be three days adventurer’s camp from 5th – 7th April, 2013, parents are requested to contribute Kr 50=00 towards transport and food.
    8. There will be Conference drill/skill camp from 14th – 21 April 2013, all those will camp should contribute Kr 80=00 per person.
    9. There will be district Pathfinder drill team preps at M’tendere main on 10th March 2013 from 8 – 12hrs.
    10. There will Master Guide council on Sunday 10th March 2013, from 09:00brs to 11hrs. All Master Guides to attend.
    11.  The deadline for paying the 475 U.S. Dollars the festival of the Laity in South Africa is now the 22nd March 2013. Please take advantage and pay now.  The transport we shall use is intercape at Kr 890 Round trip.  Please make your passports ready and yellow fever vaccinations.
    12. A church membership system (cms) seminar of church clerk's & elders in charge is being called and conducted by Zambia Union on Sunday 10 March 2013 NOW at KABWATA church 08:30- 15:30hrs, light lunch will be provided. Participants will do well to carry additional packed lunch. Come with laptops and internet modems where possible. Each district can also bring one knowledgeable person in IT to help with formulas. Let's grow God's church together.
    14. There will Docas and Amo seminar at Libala church this Sunday 10th March 2013. This will be conference wide 08:00hrs.
    15. We shall have Lay preachers’ seminar for LUSAKA ZONE on the 17th  March at Libala church at 08:30 hrs at Libala
  • 02/03/2013 District Announcements

    Announced by Communication Massmedia SDA Church on Mar 01 2013

    Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    1. There will be women's day of prayer on 2nd March 2013 in all churches and Children Ministries leadership will visit Mass Media while Health will visit Kalingalinga
    2. Dorcas, AMO and A.Ys to visit Chainama east ward on 3rd March 2013 
    3. There will be Music workshop on 10th March 2013, venue to be advised.
    4. There will be A.Y week of prayers from 16th - 23rd March 2013 in all churches and A.Y day will be on 23rd March 2013.
    5. There will be departmental Councils on 24th March 2013 at M’tendere Main at 08:00hrs
    6. Christian education day will be on 30th March 2013
    7. Health leaders will visit M’tendere Main while Children Ministries will visit Palabana on 30th March 2013
    8. There will be CPC and District Council on 31st March 2013
    9. Applications are invited for suitably qualified Adventist in Lusaka east mission district at Mount Carmel School of M’tendere main SDA church in the following positions

    Pre - School teacher -  1 position

    Qualifications Certificate or better in Early Childhood


    Primary School Teacher -  1 position

    Qualifications ZATEC certificate or better


  • 26th January 2013 District Announcements

    Announced by Communication Massmedia SDA Church on Jan 25 2013

    Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    1. There will be a Lusaka Conference inter Departmental seminar starting from Sabbath 26th to 27th January 2013at Libala SDA Church starting at 09:00hrs. All departmental Heads to attend without fail.
    2. A.Y Leadership seminar starts on Friday 25th and will run through to Sunday 27th January 2013 at Palabana College.
    3. Sabbath 26th January will be PARL day in all churches.
    4. There will be stewardship and Personal outreach emphasis day on 2nd February 2013 in all churches.
    5. There will be AMO seminar on 3rd February 2013 starting from 09:00hrs at M’tendere main SDA Church. All men to attend. All AMO Societies in our district are requested to contribute KR30 towards snacks and stationery.
    6. There will be children ministries leadership seminar on 3rd February 2013 at M’tendere main at 08:00hrs. All district executive to meet on February 2013 at 15:00hrs at M’tendere main to look into the seminar issues.
    7. Family Life week of prayers starts 9th February 2013 in all churches 
  • Bible study guides

    Announced by Communication Massmedia SDA Church on Dec 31 2011

    - We are expecting to have study guides this sabbath and during the coming week

    - Ensure that you pay for your copy, the earlier the better.

    - No study guides will be given on credit

    - Class coodinators should also purchase theirs, no free ones will be given.

    - Those who are on first and second tithe are cattered for.

  • E-Church website training

    Announced by Communication Massmedia SDA Church on Dec 30 2011

    - The training on websites is progressing on well

    - Our church is well represented

    - The website fro our church is:

    - The email address is:

    - Make use of the website and email address for easy communication

    - Leaders who havent submitted their photos to the communication department should do so in time, thi is delaying the completion of our website uploads.

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