Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
The Lusaka Conference Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Elder Kaputo will be conducting a seminar on Sabbath 3rd May 2014 at Kalingalinga SDA Church. To attend are all local Church Treasures, local Church Auditors, District Auditors and Elders in charge. All Church & Company Treasures should worship at Kalingalinga Church beginning in the morning as Elder Kaputo would like to meet them one by one before 14:00hrs. Lunch will be provided for Treasurers while Auditors and Elders in charge should be by Kalingalinga by 14:00hrs. Note: that the CFO has finished auditing and all Treasures to pick their books from Mtendere Main.
The Lusaka Conference Personal Ministries Director is reminding all churches and Companies that we have entered the second phase of our Evangelism Road Map which started from 27th April – 10th May. This means that all churches and Companies must be running evangelist campaigns which must end with a mass baptism on 10th May 2014 at Mtendere Main and VOP graduations in all Churches. Further all churches are reminded to collect their VOP lessons from LEMD VOP Leader.
In view of announcement number two (2) The District Executive has assigned speakers to all Churches and some companies on Sabbath 3rd May 2014 to deal with evangelism the whole day. Each Church and company should make arrangments to pick their speaker in the morning from Mtendere Main Church. The list is as follows;
Mass Media – Pastor John Mutambo
Kalingalinga – Elder Isaac Kaputo
Hellen Kaunda – Pastor Joshua Chapi
Mtendere Main – Pastor Hachamba
Mtendere South – Pastor Mwiya Zaza
Chitukuko - Pastor Hilary Moonga
Mtendere East – Pastor Maimbo D. Muulu
Palabana – Pastor Paul Shatontola
Mount Olives - Patsor Ken Kajilakwenda
Damascus – Pastor Mouse Michelo
Valley View – Pastor Maulu Nalituba
Mtendere Central Pastor Oblin Kazumba
The Impact Lusaka with Christ Conference is on up to the 10th of May 2014 at Government Complex and open to the public. Please let us attend and remember to bring at least one person.
There will be a conference AMO meeting at Libala church on 4th May 2014 starting at 09:00hrs. All AMO members to attend without fail.
There will be a Conference Lay Preachers Seminar for beginners/Intermediate and Senior Lay Preachers at Chilongolo from 24th to 28th June 2014. All are invited to attend.
The Rusangu University sponsored crusade being hosted by Mtendere Main Church began on Sunday 27th April to 17th May 2014 at Mahati Maghandi grounds. All are welcome and invite non SDAs.
Chitukuko Church and its two Companies (Mt Nebo & Valley View) are also running indoor evangelistic campaigns or crusades which started on Sunday and will end on Sabbath 10/05/14. Let us remember to support these campaigns by attending and inviting non SDAs.
The Youth Missionary Camp to be held in Kyindu earlier on announced to take place from 8th to 18th May 2014 has been moved forward to 8th to 17th, August 2014. Missionary volunteers are encouraged to register their interests to attend with the Youth Secretary.
All members are reminded that May is a drug awareness month.