Sabbath 13/09/14 Announcements

Announced by Biness Chansa on Sep 12 2014

Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

  1. The Pathfinder week of prayer comes to an end on Sabbath 13th September 2014, with a Pathfinder program in all Churches.
  2. The District will be running three (03) crusades beginning this September at the following sites;
  •  (i)   Kalingalinga Primary School Grounds 21st September – 10th October 2014. Main Speakers are Lusaka Conference Executive (Pas E. Shimunzhila, Pass G. Naini & Eld I. Kaputo). Sponsors: Lusaka Conference & District Evangelism
  • (ii)     Mahathi Maghandi Primary School Grounds from 27th September to 18thOctober 2014. Main Speaker: Elder Jorice Dimingo from Lusaka Conference Youth Wing. Conference sponsored.
  • (iii)       Ibex Hill Community School grounds 27th – 18th October 2014. Speakers are Evangelist P. Sililo, Evangelist S. Chiwasa & Evangelist S. Mutakwa. Sponsors are Dorcas Federation & District Evangelism.

         All churches are therefore urged to support these evangelistic programs.

      3.   There will be Zone 1A Dorcas fair on 14th September 2014. Venue will be Nakatindi Grounds at Civic Centre. Time 08 - 13hrs                          and all Dorcas to prepare for this.

  1. There will also be a Federation Dorcas council on Wednesday 17th of September 2014, at Mtendere Main Church. Time 14:00hrs. All Dorcas workers to attend.
  1. There will be an inter district choir rotation with Kafue Mission District next Sabbath 20/09/14 (Lusaka East will go to Kafue). See the attached musical program which shows where each singing group will be going and please let the Church Music Directors ensure that each singing group gets in touch with those churches on the cell numbers that have been provided.
  1. There will be Path Finder and Adventures progressive class exams at Mass Media Church on Sunday 5th October 2014 at 08hrs. The investure will be held at Hellen Kaunda Church on 8th October 2014.
  1. There will also be a District recreation at NRDC on Sun 12/10/14 starting 09hrs-16hrs.
  1. The Ambassador SOP camp which was scheduled to take place at Kings Highway School from 12 – 14th September 2014 has been moved to 31st Oct - 1st November 2014. Participation fee still remains K80.00 per participant.
  1. This serves to inform you that there will be a Youth Conference Rally which will start on 24th to 26th October 2014

10. There will be an AMO rally to be held from 26th October to 1st November 2014.

11. Mtendere South Church Reunion/Building promotion scheduled to take on 13/09/14 has been moved to 11th October 2014. Former members and the general public are invited to attend and contribute towards building.

12. Chitukuko Church Harvesters Choir Reunion/Building promotion which was scheduled to be held last Sabbath 06/09/14 was shifted to 4/10/14 and all are invited to attend and contribute towards building.

13. Correction to last week’s announcement number 15 which read that the late Elder Fred Chembo was District Auditor. It should instead read District Caretaker.

14. The Lusaka Conference Executive Secretary has returned the CMS slips that he had collected from Churches and is asking all Church Clerks to do the entries on the templates now that all town Churches have trained CMS Coordinators. At the same time the process of collecting and updating CMS data for new members and those who did not submit should also continue. For details and technical support contact Elder Bernard Tembo and Elder Biness Chansa.


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