Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
There will be a Church/Company Clerk briefing by LC Executive Secretary Pastor G. Naini on Sunday 25th May 2014 at Mtendere Main Church starting 09:00hrs - 09:30hrs. All Church and Company Clerks to attend without fail. Let them come along with filled in Get Counted Registration Forms. These forms have already been provided to Church Clerks and they should ensure that all Church members should fill them in today if they haven’t yet.
There will be a teachers convention in Livingstone from 12th – 16th August 2014. As such all Adventist teachers in Lusaka Conference are called to attend an important meeting at Libala Church on the 1st of June starting at 09:00hrs – 13:00hrs.
There will be a meeting for all Spirit of Prophecy Coordinators and Publishing Coordinators from the Local Churches and the District on 8th June 2014, at Libala Church starting at 09:00hrs – 14:00hrs. The conference still has a few remaining History of Redemption books at K100 and those interested should get in touch with their Local Leaders.
There will be a zone camp meeting council on Monday 26th May 2014 at Muluse campsite starting at 09:00hrs. To attend are, all camp meeting chairpersons, company Leaders, Elders in Charge, Administrative Elders and all Zone Camp meeting council members. The outgoing subcommittee chairpersons should carry with them the files as the handovers shall take place on the same day.
There will be a Lusaka Conference Lay Preachers Seminar for beginners/Intermediate and Senior Lay Preachers at Chilongolo from 4th – 12th July 2014. The fees are K95.00 for transport and feeding. Please begin paying through your Church Treasurer and also directly through the Conference. All are invited to attend.
There will be year of Evangelism Evaluation at Kabwata Church from 09:00hrs – 13:00hrs on the 1st of June, 2014. All District Evangelism Leaders, Church Sabbath School Superintendents and Personal Ministry Leaders and Elders in charge to attend
Sabbath School and Personal Ministries materials are available and on sale at Anchor house. Materials available are
AMO ties US$10
Sermon preparation
Community services manual
Sabbath school Leaders handbook
Personal Ministries handbook
Door to door Evangelism
Personal witnessing
Principles of church growth
8. There will be AMO Council tomorrow Sunday, 25th May, 2014 at Libala Church starting at 09:00hrs. All AMO to attend in uniform
9. The Conference will hold a music convention during the period 5 – 11 October, 2014 at Muluse campsite. Participation fee is K70.00 per delegate to be paid by 31/07/14
10.There will be a Lusaka Conference Music committee meeting on Sunday 25th May 2014 at Lusaka conference office. To attend are all executive and subcommittee members. This will then be followed by the conference music council which will be held on Sunday 1st June 2014, at Libala Church starting at 10:00hrs. Those to attend are members of the conference main and sub-committees, zone and district music leaders and directors.
11. There will be a meeting for all women and Children Ministries Directors from all local congregations to be addressed by the Director from the Conference at Mtendere Main Church tomorrow Sunday 25th May 2014 starting at 09:00hrs – 13:00hrs.
12. This serves to remind all Churches and Companies that the month of June will be a Stewardship month and you are therefore requested to arrange for your own speakers beginning now. The material will be provided.
13. All members are reminded that May is a drug awareness month